Our NDV CPU SKIN ANALYZER is a professional facial skin analysis device, which adopts RGB and UV light sources, with spectral imaging technology to help us detect 9 skin problems, superficial and deep. It is an effective and necessary instrument for beauty salons, skin clinics and the perfect tool for cosmetic companies.An indispensable device to select the correct treatment in each case.
NDV Skin Analyzer CPU: it is an instrument capable of quantitatively analyzing the pathological characteristics of the skin, color point, pores, uniformity of skin tone, wrinkles and spot detection of UV light. You can quantitatively assess skin pigmentation, pores, wrinkles, plain, porphyrin, UV spots, and sun damage. Instantly measure and analyze the skin of the epidermis, pores, wrinkles and skin texture. Scans: 1), RGB spot 2), RGB pores 3), RGB roughness 4), RGB wrinkles 5), UV acne 6), UV spots 7), skin moisture
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