Precio más bajo en 30 días antes del descuento: €217,80
Precio incluidoIVA (21%)€18,90
Información del producto
1.1 Face
-Wrinkles / facial sagging
1.2 Body
- Cellulite
- Flaccidity
-What is it for
- Applications
- Step by Step
Summary of professional opportunities
Online training is training where and when you need it. Learning through online training is extremely effective, thanks to the fact that the user becomes the center of the learning process, compared to tutors or teachers in traditional teaching.
This course will train the student in the processes of use and application of aesthetic apparatus, learning and understanding what the system is and its different applications for autonomous learning at an expert level.
This Compressive Microvibration Online Course will facilitate the achievement of the following objectives:
- Understand what the system is and what it is based on, regardless of the equipment's factory.
- Understand which protocols are necessary for each treatment
- Learn to use the equipment used for different treatments
- Learn to apply the different treatments that can be performed with the system.
Professional outings
This Compressive Micro-vibration Online Course gives you the title of Operator Technician that will increase your training in the field of application of the different techniques with aesthetic equipment, expand your job opportunities towards the aesthetic sector, either for companies, as well as for self growth.
what do you prepare for
This course will provide the student with everything necessary on the methodology in the application of protocols in the aesthetics sector.
Everything that an aesthetic professional needs to know to carry out this type of techniques in her / a specialized center of hers.
Who is it for?
Aesthetics professionals, active or not, who want to direct their professional career to the application of different treatments (facial, body, capillary) with aesthetic equipment.
official character
This training is not included within the scope of regulated official training (Infant Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education, Official Vocational Training FP, Baccalaureate, University Degree, Official University Master's Degree and Doctorate).
It is therefore a complementary training and/or specialization, aimed at the acquisition of certain skills, abilities or aptitudes of a professional nature within the section of Complementary Training and/or Continuing Training.
This training has curricular value
It has the character of Demand Training, its purpose is to respond to the specific training needs detected by companies and their workers. It is made up of the Training Actions of the Companies and the Individual Training Permits (PIF).